monDAY, december 2
7:00pm ET
Hosted by Barnes & Noble
Moderated by B.B. Alston
event details!The Ultimate Keefe Extravaganza!
Whether you're a longtime member of Team Keefe or just can't wait to find out all of his super-important secrets, we'll be here to celebrate the imminent release of UNRAVELED, with a virtual event that's totally KEEFE! KEEFE! KEEFE! Learn Shannon's inspirations for our beloved Lord Hunkyhair and how she came up with his human adventures, plus a few hints about what readers can expect once they get their hands on their copies—but no spoilers! (and yes, she'll also talk about The Kiss!)
All attendees will receive a signed bookplate and exclusive Keefe quote sticker.
**Have a question for the author? Leave it at check-out and it could possibly be answered live during the event!**
TuesDAY, december 3
in-person EVENT!
6:30pm PT
Hosted by Third Place Books
Moderated by Victoria Piontek
event details!UNRAVELED Launch Party!
Celebrate the launch of UNRAVELED at Shannon's only in-person event, which will be held at THIRD PLACE BOOKS in Seattle—a city that plays a special role in one of Keefe's many adventures in Humanland (but shhhh, no spoilers!) Attendees will enjoy a moderated discussion followed by Shannon's first full signing in several years. There will be photos! Prizes! Swag! Plus, all kinds of Keeper (and Keefe) fun! Get your ticket now!
A limited quantity of prize packs will be offered at this event. All attendees will receive an exclusive Keefe quote sticker. Attendees will need to purchase a book through Third Place Books to attend this event, and they can get those books signed and personalized by Shannon.
ThursDAY, december 5
virtual EVENT!
7:00pm ET
Hosted by Brookline Booksmith, in partnership with Books of Wonder, Parnassus Books, and Rakestraw Books
Moderated by Roshani Chokshi
Brookline Booksmith Books of Wonder Parnassus Books Rakestraw BooksKeefe-er Game Night!
Back by popular demand—but with a Keefe-tastic twist, Shannon and a moderator will celebrate UNRAVELED by playing a virtual game of Would Ya Rather with the hardest choices she's ever faced. It'll be a night of epic proportions that would make our favorite Empath proud! Plus plenty of behind-the-scenes tid-bits and updates.
All attendees will receive a signed bookplate and exclusive Keefe quote sticker.
1:30-4:00 p.m. ET
Hosted by Quail Ridge Books in Raleigh, NC.
Learn More!SunDAY, decEMBER 3
2:00-4:00 p.m. CT
Hosted by the Novel Neighbor in St. Louis, MO.
Learn More!SUNDAY, December 17
12:30-2:30 p.m. ET
Hosted by Towne Book Center & Café in Collegeville, PA.
Learn More!